Your Pen(is) Big
Anything that is well-greased moves without friction; sometimes slowly in sloppy moves, and other times, fast.
Big penis, and massive balls. The Pen(is) man’s naked truth.
He stared at the reflection of his dangling flesh, or bell between his legs — the mirror does not lie. Flesh, for that, is what it is; shrinking meat when at ease, and 7.5 inches hardened rod when charged for action, nodding through every movement.
The bell, for it, reminded him of the rusty tyre rim hung on the big mango tree as the school’s bell. It would yell out an order for students to go for devotion, breakfast, assembly, prep, socials, lunch, labour and every goddamn activity.
Greg, an infamous talkaholic and mischievous classmate, once told him his balls would function better as a tyre rim; adding that his penis was always alert, never resting and relentless.
One fateful Saturday, after a long sunny afternoon of playing football, the boys were having their bath in one of the large bathroom blocks, when the bell rang for dinner.
Greg blurted out unprovoked, “Oh, it’s 6:15 pm. They’ve just rung your balls for dinner.”
“Haven’t they?” He asked, turning a mischievous face at him and causing an uproar of laughter among the naked boys.
Another of the boys quickly asked if that was why he always appeared ‘ballsy’, stirring up another round of laughter that they should have choked on, or so he thought. It was humiliating, and worse still, that was not the end.
“You shouldn’t be wearing flappy boxers, get briefs.”
“Why is your dick always alert (erect) in your trousers? What’s going on in your mind, nasty boy?”
“Is it your dick that is big, or your balls — or your tailor didn’t make your zip well?”
He got these and many more comments every day. He started to tuck his dick in between his legs and pocket his hand to hold his penis. Alternatively, he would use books and bags to cover up. All these were to avoid the glaring look and erection embarrassment.
Back to the mirror.
His balls had grown since Greg’s series of unsolicited, offensive comments — and everyone who had held an opinion about his penis.
There he was. His thing shot hard for the next sexy girl in her lingerie whose twirling hips and seductive lips would let a liquid burst, sliding him into heaven — of course, it was all in his head and he was going to cum.
He closed his eyes and for that moment, travelled into a planet in the social space where all the girls were hot. His palms were greased for intense action, and slowly, he serviced his engine.
Line, Curves and Caps
Tayo in his teenagehood never knew a day would come when big penises — like full beards, broad muscles, hairy legs, and deep voices — would be synonymous with masculinity, confidence and sexual prowess. But there it was; the penis talks.
Those indices, by the way, are unfair assessments of an ideal ‘manly man’, propagated by a culture that continuously fuels body image issues among men, just as it does to women, and steals their confidence.
The penis comes in different lengths, widths, and shapes. Tayo grew up insecure about his penis size, and he is just one of many others. For some, their insecurity stems from how big their penis is, others are concerned about their small sizes and there’s another sect whose problem is with the curves, or linear structure of their penis.
According to a study, 30 percent of men are dissatisfied with their size. Some men worry that the size of their penis can be determined through their pants. Other penis-related fears often cited were: fear of rejection because of size, fear of being laughed at, and fear of being naked around women or other men.
A 2015 online survey of over 25,000 men, found that more than half of the participants were unhappy with their current size, with 27.3 % wanting to be larger, and 23% wanting theirs smaller. While adequate data are absent, it won’t take a blind bat forever to see these issues among men.
Men deal with penis anxiety. Although the degree to which some deal with it varies from others, sometimes it significantly affects their quality of life and the overall assessment of themselves. For some, this can be traced back to their traumatic adolescent years, or past relationships.
Whether more men want to increase their size, or there are those who prefer a smaller size, it doesn’t matter. That isn’t the point, neither is this argument based on what size should be good for sex.
Four Young Men Talk About Masturbation
Several studies have established that masturbation is healthy and it does not affect one’s sex life with their partners. Most healthy men masturbate many times in their lives.
Meanwhile, it is also true that loneliness, boredom and anxiety are some reasons for masturbation among men and women. But, do teenage boys and men also resort to masturbation as a result of their penis anxiety?
Here, four boys anonymously talk about masturbation and lack of confidence in their penis sizes.
I’m 19 and a virgin. I love watching adult content but I’m scared to show my d**k because it’s not big — the way I’ve heard people talk about big penises. This is why I haven’t had a blow job, and I just jerk off to porn.
- Anonymous, 19
If I had been confident about my size, I would have been sexually active earlier than I am right now. I’m 26 and I only started having sex at 23. I had a lot of insecurities, one was my penis size.
Penis-wise, I’m on the plus side and I have always been. I was the type of secondary school student that was conscious of his penis because others made jest of how it’d shoot out of my trouser. I later resorted to masturbating and became addicted.
Anonymous, 26
Ah! Having a big dick was something people hyped me for. My balls were big too. So it’s like my penis rests on my balls. It was uncomfortable to be that guy and I guess I became conscious of getting an erection. I’m proud of it now though.
I had a bit of insecurity and I masturbate to adult content, but there are many things to consider. I’m not sure if this insecurity made me masturbate but I could use more sex education as a teenager.
- Anonymous, 20
I masturbate a lot. I don’t have much sexual confidence. I know size doesn’t matter but I can’t take my mind off my small size. There are just too many jokes about small sizes all over the internet that I can’t ignore.
Anonymous, 22
To Draw The Curtain…
One thing is certain, men suffer from insecurities. There is a need for sex and reproductive health education for teenage boys. This would help build men who from their early stage understand their reproductive organs, are less conscious of sizes and can manage their sexual anxiety. Also, there is a need to stop shaming men based on attributes they are not in control of — this includes their penis sizes and body physique.
Ps: Sexual performance is a different discussion.